How to use parts catalog

STEP1:Preparation of motorcycle information

① Frame number
② Engine number
③ Color label*
*Color label is not necessarily affixed every time.

Place to affix is different for each model.
If you would not find the color label, please refer to an instruction manual.

Specific example:

PCX150 (WW150A)

Model year:2019
Candy luster red
Search for number of front fender part

① Frame number

② Engine number

③ Color label


Candy luster red

STEP2:Model search


When you select items from each pull-down menu, the information about the corresponding model is displayed.
When you select a parts calalog, the PDF data of the corresponding parts catalog is displayed.

Specific example:


Please select "126-400" for Engine Displacement, "PCX150" for Model Name and "2019" for Model Year.

STEP3:Identification of type


Please confirm the corrensponding model name and type on the bases of Frame number, Engine number and Color label form "Number management sheet".

Specific example:


When you find the type which is "RLHKF30U*KY000001 (Frame number)" and "KF30E-6000001 (Engine number)" from number management sheet, you can confirm "WW150A (PCX150)" and "U" .

STEP4:Identification of corresponding block


Please confirm the group number for the corresponding parts from Illustration index.

Specific example:


When you find the image of front fender from "Illustration index", you can confirm "F-11" is the corresponding block.

STEP5:Identification of part number


Please refer to Heading number for the illustrationand from the corresponding group number page, then confirm the part number.

  • Part number is edited based on the information at the time of editing the parts.
    Please check Parts catalog news because sometimes we have guided change information on Parts catalog news at the end of a catalog.
  • Part number differ depanding on the number if "Type" and "Applicable number" is listed.
    Please confirm a part number by Type and Number.
  • If a part has 2 digit alphabet at the end of the part number, it means the part has color variation.
    Please confirm a part color symbol that fits the main color from Color scheme chart.

Specific example:


You can confirm the heading number of Front fender is "1" from the illustration.


If you check "Color scheme chart" and "Color label", You can identify that the part color symbol of Front fender is "ZC".

You can confirm "61000-K97-J10ZC" for Part number, "Fender set front *TYPE4*" for Part name as a part search result.

STEP6:Search for parts catalog news


Please check from the news list at the end of the book whether news has been issued for the Block number and Heading number as the specified part number.
If news has been issued, please use the part number listed on the news.

Identification of type

If a type is listed, please specify the applicable type from "Unit management sheet".

Identification of color parts
step7-2 step7-3

A part with 2 digit alphabet at the end of part number means that has color variations.
Please confirm a part color symbol that fits the main color from "Color scheme chart".

Identification of Unit

Part number differ depanding on the unit if "Applicable number" is listed.
If "Applicable number" is listed,
・Engine parts (Group number is "E")=Please indenfity a part from Engine number.
・Frame parts (Group number is "F")=Please indenfity a part from Frame number.
